Aggressive driving

Based on the G sensors it is possible to analyse the style of driving.

Speed exceeds overview

How to analyze speed exceeds overview regarding speed limits.


Potential cost savings

If we assume that a transport company has 20 vehicles and that those vehicles cover around 100.000km annually, the potential cost savings are:

  • If the average consumption is reduced by 1l per 100km, the savings would amount to 20.000 EUR per year.
  • If the average consumption is reduced by 2l per 100km, the savings would amount to 40.000 EUR per year.

Click the button below to download the cost savings calculator.

Conversion table

When the acceleration alarm is being  set, the value must be entered in mg. The ratio is 1g=1000mg

IVMS Standard

In the transport industry, there is something called the IVMS Standard that is interesting to many companies. By clicking the button below you can view the document.